Friday, 29 August 2014

University #5: You're In, What Next?

The stress of results day has come and gone, and you’ve made it into one of you top choice universities (or, you’ve got into another university through clearing). Either way, well done! It’s no easy feat to get into uni, and whatever the outcome you should be proud of yourself for making it this far. You’ve probably got about a month till the first day of Freshers, so what do you do now?

Keep an eye on your emails, particularly your junk box. Uni’s will start getting you set up on their servers, so it’s important to get that process underway as soon as they let you. They’ll also start letting you know the specifics of your accommodation, and enrollment. You might even have to choose a couple of modules. So keep a weather eye out, and check every couple of days.

Once you’re set up on the Uni server, whether that is Portal, Blackboard, Moodle or whichever other sites they get you using, have a play around and get used to how it works. They won’t tell you how to use it, they’ll just expect you to know, and you don’t often get email updates when things are changed on the site (ie, that your timetable is available to view, or that your module organiser has updated the module information). I didn’t know that my timetable was on there until my first week of term, when it had been online for a couple of weeks, so it pays to get used to the system – particularly for your tech savvy tutors.

If you have got your timetable, have enrolled on all the modules, but haven’t heard any whisper of reading lists, see if you can find out your tutors name (most often printed on your timetable) and drop them an email, just in case. It’s always worth making yourself known, and showing that you’re eager to learn.

You’ll probably have your accommodation confirmed around this time too (or perhaps have had it confirmed since results day). It’s always worth trawling through facebook looking for groups people may have set up for Freshers moving in, or setting up your own group for your accommodation block. If you can start getting to know people before you move in with them, it’ll make that first day a little less awkward as well as a little less intimidating, as you’ll be seeing some familiar faces.

It’s worth booking Freshers tickets now too, as they will probably sell out by the time you get to uni. If you do book onto events that no one in your halls booked onto and you’re not comfortable going alone, you can always sell your tickets later as there will be people in the exact opposite position from you. If you’re happy going alone I’d recommend it, as it’s a great way to meet new people.

Most importantly, take this time to see your friends and family. You’ve got all the time in the world to worry about uni, but only a few weeks left to spend quality time with people you won’t be seeing for a couple of months. Enjoy it.

I’m going to post a clothing haul in the next couple of days, with the vague intent of it being ‘Back to School’ ish, but uni is a place where you can let your individuality shine through, so obviously this will be my taste and not what everyone will be wearing.

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