Today, I had planned to upload a festive make-up look.
I'd taken all the pictures and written up most of the post, but, due to computer problems, I couldn't transfer the images from my sisters camera to my laptop. I also had a really busy day - went for the Christmas food shop with Mum, then had all my girls over for 'Galmas', then went out for drinks. I've typing this having just got off the train.
Even though things didn't go to plan, I still had a lovely day - one of the best days I've had in a while. It was so lovely to see all of my girls again, and have a proper catch up.
Unfortunately for you guys, it means that this is the post you're getting. Sorry.
The festive look will be up tomorrow - so long as the laptop transfers go to plan. But, if there's something that Christmas has taught me, it's that you've got to roll with it when things don't turn out the way you thought. So long as you're with friends and family who love and care for you, then things have a way of working out alright.
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