Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Standing Resolute

Today is the final deadline for my dissertation.

Yesterday (for you, today for me) I handed it in. Admittedly I had a mad moment and forgot that I had printed it double sided so the binder for it is too big, but it's gone.

It was a really strange moment when I slotted it into the hand-in box. On the one hand, intense relief that it was all over. On the other, fear that there was nothing else I could do now.

Now that that part of my life is over and done with, I feel like I can finally start the new year. Happy 2015!

With that in mind, I thought I'd share my goals for 2015.

1) Graduate with at least a 2:1 - I'm on target for this, and as much as I would love a 1st this is a more realistic goal for me.

2) Find a full time job - I'm not in a huge hurry to move out from my folks house for real, but I want to start looking towards that, so a job is vital.

3) Get work experience in a field I'm interested in - Literary organisations, charities, publishing houses all appeal. But I need to get my foot in the door with an internship.

4) Keep up blogging! - I was so proud of myself for completing blogmas - and thank you to everyone who stuck it out with me! This little blog means so much to me, and I'd love to grow it over the year. With that in mind, I'll be sticking to my Tuesday/Friday schedule.

5) Write more - I'm doing another creative writing module this year, so this shouldn't be a problem, but I'd also like to write more casually.

6) Practise Self Care - this involves doing pilates every day, eating well, keeping my room tidy, flossing, keeping up my language learning (I'm using Duolingo to learn French and Itallian), reading widely, maintaining skin care etc. Things that make me feel good about myself.

That's all for now - let me know your goals for 2015! You can follow me on Instagram and Twitter - I'm @vickimaitland everywhere!

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